We are pleased to see independent confirmation of the PowerGen’s best-in-class methane destruction performance capabilities.
OilPro sponsored a Qnergy PowerGen for testing by the Canada Emission Reduction Innovation Consortim (CanERIC) in cooperation with Natural Resources Canada and Alberta Innovates, kindly hosted by Calgary’s own ATCO. The test shows 100% methane destruction efficiency was achieved solely with the PowerGen in a no-holds-barred “Electrical Generation Technology Showdown” vs six other available (and higher maintenance) technologies.

Canada Emission Reduction Innovation Consortium (CanERIC) in cooperation with Natural Resources Canada and Alberta Innovates confirms 100% combustion efficiency can be achieved with the PowerGen.
Why is this important?
Internal combustion engines (ICE) inherently come with “methane slippage” or methane released to the atmosphere due to incomplete combustion. While seemingly unimportant in the numbers shown at first glance, they become VERY significant over time because CH4 “has a strong warming influence when first emitted,…” (https://www.carbonbrief.org/guest-post-a-new-way-to-assess-global-warming-potential-of-short-lived-pollutants/)

Canada Emission Reduction Innovation Consortim (CanERIC) in cooperation with Natural Resources Canada and Alberta Innovates tests the OilPro-supplied PowerGen
Qnergy CEO,Ory Zik, accomplished physicist, founder of the Israeli branch of Greenpeace and Scientific Director of Israel’s National Museum of Science summarizes: ”We are proud for being able to prove our ability to completely turn methane into useful energy without any ‘methane slip. While it may be non-intuitive, at a global warming factor of 85, every pound of methane is translated to 85 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent.”
So, if you’re looking for ultra low maintenance remote site power with a proven lowest lifetime carbon footprint and lowest total cost of ownership call OilPro at +1 403 215-3373, or e-mail us at [email protected] or do your own research at https://oilpro.ca/product/powergen/
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