SAIT’s Rance Fisher Wellsite Production Education Centre is home to OilPro-supplied Glycol Dehydrator.
OilPro is proud to have successfully delivered a replacement glycol dehydration system to replace aged systems which served SAIT well over the years. This updated unit reflects the latest in Canadian dehydration technology and was built together with Red Deer’s Aspire Energy Services.
This design incorporates years of operator feedback, specifically in regards to annual serviceability and ease of operation, but also in terms of mitigated BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene) emissions.
By adding more trays, glycol circulation is reduced as is uptake of BTEX, and subsequent emissions of these harmful hydrocarbons during the glycol regeneration cycle in the reboiler.
External connections between the reboiler and accumulator mean troubleshooting and cleaning are easily facilitated without major accessibility issues.
The Rance Fisher Wellsite Production Education Centre is widely used by all MacPhail School of Energy students as well as our many industrial clients. In addition to extensive drilling, service, processing and control equipment, the Wellsite is also home to a modern 37-seat classroom. This $3.5 million facility was built with funding and support from the Alberta oil industry and the Provincial Government.
OilPro has since built a similar version for a petroleum school in Iraq as well.