403 215 3373

OilPro Oilfield Production Equipment Ltd.

403 215 3373

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What makes PowerGen your remote power solution?With the winter months approaching industrial users with critical infrastructure prepare for the coming cold weather.

One of the more difficult aspects of the oil & gas business is finding a remote power option that works in the harsh Canadian weather. There are plenty of examples of engines that don’t perform as efficiently when temperatures go south and some applications that simply stop working full stop when the mercury drops to a certain level.

Imagine having a remote power application that actually performs better as the temperature drops.

Not only does PowerGen work, as a heat-difference engine, it performs better as the weather gets harsher while other competing options fail to operate at all.

Qnergy’s PowerGen from OilPro is that remote power solution and the best part is that there are multiple options to choose from depending on what you need.

How can PowerGen help you during the coldest winter months that Canada has to offer?

In the words of Qnergy on the PowerGen:

“It’s the only generator on the planet that can not only work for decades but can operate in temperatures from -40F to +135F.”

In fact, in February 2021 when Texas and Louisiana received unexpectedly harsh winter weather from three winter storms that knocked power out for millions of people throughout the two states, PowerGen installations in the region operated at 100% uptime.

Let’s take a closer look at how PowerGen works:

Which PowerGen application makes sense for you?

PowerGen offers 600/1200/1800/5650 Watt options that you can consider depending on how much power you require and what’s important to you.

You can also focus on various benefits that might also suit your needs as follows:

Compressed Air Pneumatics (CAP3) – Compressed Air Pneumatics or CAP3 from Qnergy and OilPro is an air solution that was designed to displace the methane emission typically associated with pneumatic devices. While traditional devices release methane gases into the air, the CAP3 helps you meet and exceed local methane regulations and help the environment. 

Remote Power – The PowerGen series is a remote power option that is environmentally robust, runs on multiple fuel sources and offers a lower overall carbon footprint than TEGs. It has a longer lifespan with a lower cost/kw too.

PowerGen N+ Solutions – Qnergy offers a power interface package that enables paralleling multiple power sources with flexible AC and DC output options.

Compressed Air as a Service (CAaaS) – Oil & gas businesses traditionally use many methane-producing applications that quickly add up and contribute to emissions that governments around the world are cracking down on. CAaaS eliminates these methane emissions with no CapEx using a simple and proven solution.

Ready to learn more?

Visit our PowerGen page to learn more or call us directly at 403 215 3373 or contact us by email at [email protected] for more details before winter kicks in to high gear and you’re left scrambling.





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