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Can Your Remote Power System Handle Winter? (PowerGen)Frosty. Frigid. Freezing.

These three adjectives describe what’s in store across Canada this winter and leading into 2023 according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

It predicts a cold winter along with a series of potential mini-deep freezes throughout Canada. It also predicts the mercury will dip as early as mid November in Canada.

While people debate the accuracy of The Farmer’s Almanac, the fact is, cold, snowy and wintry weather is on its way. The question is….

How effective is your chosen remote power option in cold weather?

Let’s take a closer look at how options stack up.

Cold weather presents problems for generators

The traditional remote power option for companies in oil & gas is a thermoelectric generator (TEG) or a fuel cell. While they have benefits in up to 200W sizes, they are built on outdated technology, require further integration and don’t load-follow. Now have a better option.

Qnergy’s PowerGen from OilPro offers a variety of advantages which TEGs can’t match.

You’ll often see small gas generators advertise cold weather kits to help them operate during the worst times of the year when they’re often needed the most. PowerGen requires no such consideration which we’ll discuss below.

Remember in early 2021 when parts of Texas and Lousiana got hit by severe cold weather that knocked power out for thousands of people?

PowerGen operated at 100% uptime during this time in these affected areas for their customers. 

How the PowerGen operates in winter

Unlike generators which fail in sub-zero weather, PowerGen’s Stirling engine actually works better in the cold, not worse. 

What Makes PowerGen Your Remote Power Solution

As a matter of fact, PowerGen has you covered for both cold and hot weather as it’s capable of operating at temperatures ranging from -40 to plus 40C with ease.

We spoke about that in more detail in this article.

Further, in cold climates, the waste heat of the PowerGen system is harvested to maximize system performance to heat propane tanks or wellhead fuel lines to keep gas flowing, de-ice communication towers and increase battery efficiency and prevent freezing of propane tanks.

So whether it’s very cold weather on one end or extremely hot weather on the other, PowerGen will provide the reliable and cost-effective remote power you need when you need it most.

What next?

Which PowerGen option is right for your needs?

PowerGen offers 600/1200/1800/5650 Watt options that you can consider depending on how much power you require and what’s important to you.

Want to learn more?

Contact OilPro directly to learn more about what PowerGen offers you for your remote power requirements. Call us at 403 215- 3373 or by email at [email protected] and we can discuss your needs in detail.

One final note….An OilPro-supplied PowerGen recently achieved 100% methane destruction in a test scenario. Click the link to check out specifics on the Electrical Generation Technology Showdown which was dominated by PowerGen.


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