Providing renewable, reliable, resilient power through free-piston Stirling Engine technology
OilPro, Canadian distributors for Qnergy (q-ner-gy), presents the perfect solution to cathodic protection for pipeline systems. ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) is a tried method for protecting pipelines from galvanic corrosion.
PowerGen is the leader in maintenance-free generators for the 1.2 to 5.65 kilowatt range.
PowerGens use a free-piston Stirling Engine, recognized by NASA as the most reliable generation technology in history. For energy companies, we offer superior reliability and environmental performance along with a notable reduction of methane emissions at a much lower price but with greater resilience, output flexibility and efficiency.
OilPro offers an essentially maintenance-free system to help maintain and monitor gas transmission lines in the most remote locations. Because the internals are sealed, we only recommend a visit about once a year versus conventional systems requiring frequent maintenance. When paired with our live SmartView system, we provide immediate reports on the system’s operational status for peace of mind.
Several hundred instances of PowerGens are now installed across Mexico, the US and Canada. Choose between the CAP3-M, CAP3-F and CAP3-Nano options depending on your requirements.
Learn more about 9 major benefits of PowerGen by clicking here.